As we received questions from you, our customers and followers, we will answer them here.  Please submit any questions to [email protected]

Why is it Nellie's Treasure Boxes?

We have a 1/2 Manx 1/2 Siamese cat named Nellie.  She gets into everything and inspects all boxes.  Her favorite thing in the world is climbing in and out of boxes.  As we started boxing and shipping she was always helping.  So we thought it could be "her store".

Do you have other employees?

No, it is just a husband and wife team (Brandon and Stephanie) unless you want to count Nellie and her brother Oliver, who prefers to walk across keyboards instead of checking boxes.

Where do you buy items?

Auctions are our main source. We go to local auction houses for live auctions as well as online auctions with local pickup.  We will also go to Goodwill and a few other resale shops on days they restock or have 50% off days.  In the summers we do go to some estate sales and garage sales. Living in Ohio means garage sales are only 6 months of the year.