Loves of My Life

Loves of My Life

While this is about our Treasurer Hunting and adventures in selling I want to start with the loves of my life.  My children are a huge blessing to Brandon and I.  I unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer early in our marriage and consequently could not have children.  I was blessed with great doctors and God took care of us all the way through it.  After healing was the painful process of figuring out how we could still have a family.

From 0 to 6 all in one day!

While there are many routes to adoption we opted to become license foster parents with the plan of adopting when the time came.  We just never knew that would be in the form of a zero to six in one full swoop.  We met the kids in October 2005, the moved in December 23, 2005 and then the adoption hearing went through on June 23, 2006.  It was a crazy time but again God was with us the whole way.

Since then we have watched them grow and learn as we became a family.  Our oldest is in the Navy and we could not be prouder of his service to this country.  Both of our older daughter are married to wonderful men and are working at jobs they love.  We could not ask for anything more for them.  The younger three are all in high school and we are preparing for graduations again.

Dates used to be going antiquing

One of the things that Brandon and I made a pact on before the children moved in, is that we would try to do something that could ground us when having six children was overwhelming.  That “something” has changed over the years; however, one of the things we used to love to do was go to antiques shows and flea markets. We decided to return to that passion and see if we couldn’t turn it into a side business.

So here we are a year later after launching Nellie’s Treasure Boxes.  We are having a great time going to auctions, flea markets, and many other places.  Our youngest son has also gotten into buying and selling some items for extra money while our youngest daughter “works for dad” when she needs cash.

We hope you join us on our adventure!

Happy Treasure Hunting!

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